Be sure to check out Ryan's blog: My adorable photographer husband has some amazing pictures of our experience here.
Special thanks from Suriname to............... my wonderful parents, my super in-laws, my amazing sister, my Clairebear, my Lor, Miss Meggers, my Aunt Marly, my rockin' SILS and BILS, my diligent grandfather and my sweet friend Jody for your letters, packages, calls and especially love! We love hearing what is going on in your exciting lives and just news of the outside world in general. ;) Summer and my parents have our address and phone numbers if you need them. You are welcome to email us, but our response will be a long time coming. The only immediate way to reach us is via cell phone. xoxo
Want it. Need it. Love it.
also known as
It's a pretty neat idea to turn a phrase like that into a word for a
website. I kind of like it. Even though I'm sure I always ...
12 years ago
This gives me such a good idea of how you make bread and what you eat. Your family looks so nice. Love you, Mom