Friday, June 1, 2012

Lefurny’s 6th Birthday

Sometime last year I finally went to our local school to look up Lefurny’s birthdate in the school records since no one in her family knew exactly when it was. Ryan and I discovered that when we moved to our village, she had just turned four (we were told she was three) and so this year would turn six. Ryan and I decided a long time ago that we would celebrate her birthday this year, right before we left. We’re almost positive she has never celebrated her birthday before and who knows when she would again? I had asked one of the teachers at school what the little kids normally do to celebrate their birthdays around here. She said sometimes their moms send in little bags of popcorn for the whole class. Done.

It just so happened that Todd and Moka scheduled their visit during Lefurny’s birthday, so Ryan and I made sure that we would be in our village and enlisted Todd and Moka as part of the party preparation crew. So, on May 9th, first thing in the morning, the four of us got to work popping popcorn (in a pot, not in a microwave, in case there is still any confusion) and filling bags with it plus some candy.  It was quite a productive assembly line. 
Right around 11am, we headed to the school. Lefurny’s teacher had made her a little birthday crown that said “6” on it. When we got there, they brought Lefurny to the front of the class and all the kids sang a few songs for her. 
Then she was instructed to pick three friends to be her helpers and the four of them walked around the class handing out bags of popcorn. Each child was told to shake Lefurny’s hand and tell her “felicitatie” (congratulations). 
It was pretty adorable. We brought enough for both Kindergarten (her class) and Pre-K and there were left overs for the the rest of the teachers. At first she seemed overwhelmed (kind of had the same expression on her face that she had when we took her to Paramaribo) but then she got into it. Her great grandma and grandpa (our neighbors) actually came to the school, too, which I thought was really nice. I think it was the first time they have ever been there.
 After school, I let her and a friend make her birthday cake (she loves to help bake) and go crazy with some bubbles while it baked. Once it was done baking in our Dutch oven, we called her great grandparents over and held a little party. She picked out which of her dresses she wanted to wear while Todd, Moka and Ryan decorated our little porch with some party decorations Grandma Barb sent. I had even planned ahead to buy candles for her cake. 
 We sang, ate cake and then she got to open presents. Grandma Barb sent way too many things (in two separate care packages) for her, plus Todd and Moka brought a few things, including a Tiana Barbie doll that she loves.
 It was a pretty darn exciting day in her life, if you ask me. I’m really glad that we were able to do that for her. At least for one birthday she felt special and hopefully it will be a happy memory for her for years to come.
Lefurny trying on a new birthday outfit from Grandma Barb
Thanks Mom for sending the party decorations and presents. Thanks Todd and Moka for thinking to bring something for Lefurny and for helping with her little celebration. And thanks to my amazing husband for wanting to do this as much as I did.

There are lots more adorable pictures here.


  1. Aww! Sweet. This post makes me wish I could have visited you for a day. I love that you have this 'adopted' daughter who gets to experience Dapremont/Joiner love.

  2. Good to see the birthday girl enjoyed her day. She looks beautiful. I threw my little niece a surprise birthday party at venue New York and did great work in arranging everything best there. She was very happy to receive such a lovely birthday party.
