Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This is My Everyday Life

This is my first time in the big city in two months (since just before my birthday). I have lots to catch up on but in the meantime, here are a few awesome pictures of my everyday life in my village. Enjoy!
Cassava bread, drying in the sun. I love to design the top but I have not mastered flipping them yet!
This ADORABLE little guy was brought over to my house by my 4 year old neighbor girl. He was found in the jungle and taken as a pet (not to eat!). I got to hold him- SO cute!

Some of the more established women in my village have wheelbarrows to haul all the washing to the river, instead of carrying it all on their head.
Peanuts! My neighbor laid these out to dry.
Suriname has some gorgeous vegetation!
Several women in my village and I peeled pounds and pounds of a palm fruit called Amana. It was later pounded with a mortar and pestle then boiled to make cooking oil. It's a long, labor intensive process!

Hopefully more to come later!


  1. yay! i love seeing glimpses into your everyday life :0) feel free to show us more pictures!

  2. Thinking of you and praying for you both! Thanks for the updates. I love to read your blog and see your amazing pictures.
    Love you,
